Vaikobi Triple 4 Series - Ocean events


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Courses and details for our Vaikobi Triple 4 Series downwind event this Saturday 01/03/25, will be updated a couple of days out from the race  

A big thanks to our awesome series sponsors! Vaikobi Epic Kayaks Sea to Summit #ownyourjourney Nordic Kayaks Carbonology Sport

We hope to see you all this Saturday!

The Vaikobi Triple 4 Series for 2024/25 is a further evolution of our previous Winter and Summer series to create a 12 race / 11 month calendar of events in south eastern Tasmania. The upcoming series involves 7 river/bay races and 5 ocean races. As the series progresses and our waters warm up paddlers will generally move from loop courses in more protected areas to downwind courses in open water environments. Our courses will always put you in the right spot to catch waves, have fun and work with the water!

The series brings together a significant number of sponsors and partners, with supporting sponsors Epic Kayaks, Sea To Summit, Nordic Kayaks and Carbonology Sport joining headline sponsor Vaikobi and event partners Derwent Canoe Club, Next Level Kayaking, Paddle Tasmania, the Freycinet Challenge, the Sandy Bay Regatta Association and the Winter Challenge

2024/25 Vaikobi Triple 4 Series highlights:

  • The series kicks off with a bay race at Kingston Beach on May 25th 2024 and builds up to the 13th edition of the Tasmanian Ocean Racing Championships on March 22nd 2025
  • Following the Tasmanian Championships a casual paddle, dinner and presentation evening will conclude the series on April 5th at Kingston Beach
  • Two series races will be run the day before Tasmania's popular multisport events, the Winter and Freycinet Challenges. Race 4 will be run at Orford on August 17th, and Race 7 will be run at Coles Bay on October 4th. Both pre-event courses will be substantially different to the ones used in the multisport challenges, offering competitors variety and multiple paddling opportunities during their weekends away from home.
  • Two downwind races from Blackmans Bay to Sandy Bay (Races 8 and 11) will replace our traditional twilight loop courses at Kingston during November and March. 
  • Series age categories remain in alignment with ICF conventions, when entering online please select a category matching your age as of 31/12/2024.
  • Series participants need to be Paddle Australia members as per last season. We thoroughly recommend joining the Derwent Canoe Club which is PA affiliated. Being part of the Derwent Canoe Club means members contribute and gain access to facilities and equipment necessary to hold events which we all enjoy, for example the rescue boat, timing equipment and a significant portion of the volunteer workforce used throughout the new series. Additional membership benefits include 24/7 worldwide personal accident and public liability insurances, plus the option to insure personal paddle craft.

The Vaikobi Triple 4 "Ocean" races build on recent seasons, and bring together all the resources of an experienced team to deliver flexible, inclusive and modern open water paddling events. The evolving format recognises the improvement and depth in paddling that now exists within Tasmania, and aims to address a growing demand for regular downwind racing opportunities.

All Triple 4 "Ocean" events will run in a weather window between 1pm and 5pm which will be confirmed 48 hours out from race day on the event website and our social media channels. We will try our best to stick to the target areas below, but reserve the freedom to alter these to enhance the competitor experience, increase safety margins, and maximise the chance of downwind conditions.

Triple 4 "Ocean" events will accommodate 2 divisions ranging from 10-16km in length.

Site maps will be created as the series unfolds and courses are finalised.

Prerequisites for participation in Triple 4 Ocean events:

Participants need to be able to remount their craft in whitecapping conditions, and carry their mobile phones in a waterproof case while competing. Paddlers need to wear a PFD rated to ISO 12402 or AS 4758 and be attached to their craft with a leg leash. Paddlecraft must be in good working order. Gear hire is not available for Triple 4 Ocean events.

Vaikobi Triple 4 Series - Ocean race schedule 2024/25


04 Oct 2024 - COLES BAY - Ocean - double series points 

16 Nov 2024 - BLACKMANS BAY - Ocean - double series points 


15 Feb 2025 - HOBART - Ocean - double series points 


01 Mar 2025 - BLACKMANS BAY - Ocean - double series points 

22 Mar 2025 - HOBART - Ocean - triple series points - Tasmanian Championships 

(please head over to this page to enter our Triple 4 "River" and "Bay" events) 

Please contact us or check out our Facebook page for more information.

We would like to sincerely thank everyone involved with the Vaikobi Triple 4 Series concept so far, and warmly welcome all participants. We look forward to seeing you on the water soon!


    Vaikobi Triple 4 Series - Ocean events
    Vaikobi Triple 4 Series - Ocean events
    Vaikobi Triple 4 Series - Ocean events

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